Greetings & Handshakes

Greetings & Handshakes

In Sigma Gamma, we have a way that those wishing to become brothers "greet" our brothers and alumni.  This greeting is based on the fundamental principle of respect.  It is one of the very first things we teach our potential new members, as the greeting has been passed on since 1947.

When our new brothers are ready to become "established brothers" we have a ceremony that we carry out that is incredibly symbolic and meaningful. Throughout this site we reference this ceremony as the Formal Inductions. During this ceremony, we provide our new brothers with a password that is known only to Sigma Gamma brothers. And we give each other a sincere and genuine handshake that makes it clear how proud we all are to share the bonds of brotherhood.

Speaking of handshakes, we read the passages below with great interest as they're very applicable to what we think as Sigma Gamma brothers.
  • Only 5 degrees of Human Connection separate any person from their potential for changing the world:
  1. Handshakes lead to conversations. 
  2. Conversations lead to relationships 
  3. Relationships lead to collaboration. 
  4. Collaboration leads to organization. 
  5. Organizations change the world.
  • Deliver your handshakes as if they really matter.  No weak handshakes or not looking one another in the eye. Who do you shake hands with? Do you have leadership potential?  Leaders need peers and members in order to lead.  People will trust, believe in, and follow the people with whom they have shared a meaningful human connection.  Ask yourself:
  1. Do you want to matter to the world? 
  2. Do you want to leave a legacy? 
  3. Do you want to be a leader? 
  4. Start by shaking hands. 
  5. Continue by listening and caring. 
Focus on organizing around the causes that matter to you.   Make a difference. 
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